Personal note of Blogger: Thank you very very very much Mike. Pearphs, if in the future you are here, this is my topic of Christmas 2010.
Personal note of Blogger: Muchas muchas gracias Ramon.
Peraphs, if in the future you are here, this is my topic of Christmas 2010. Year torture began 2007 as you and damage in my brain as you.
Thousands of people, are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack.
This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens. The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged a t local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.
It may take several years, before the "Silent Holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real. The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation. Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists.
Sunday 14 January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.
Friday, March 13, 2009, the journalist Ilaria Marchiori of "Rete Veneta", interview Mr.Paolo Dorigo of Venice and title in the short service is: "Un microchip nel cervello" (A microchip in the brain).
June 14, 2010 in Vlorë - a town in Albania - with an authentic document signed by the notary, Petrit Demo Albanian citizen, removes a "foreign body" from the ear canal.
August 12, 2010, the foreign body has been studied with histological tests and other types of scientific tests. No doubt about it. It is a microchip and Mr. Petrit is the only man in the world (for now) to have a microchip extracted from the ear canal and having extinguished a part of Tinnitus that was generated by the microchip. More references on the site of aisjca.
Other microchips were extracted from the human body, but the only one in the world to have explanted of ear canal is the Albanian citizen. Italy, Germany, France and other Western European countries have failed.
August 12, 2010, the foreign body has been studied with histological tests and other types of scientific tests. No doubt about it. It is a microchip and Mr. Petrit is the only man in the world (for now) to have a microchip extracted from the ear canal and having extinguished a part of Tinnitus that was generated by the microchip. More references on the site of aisjca.
Other microchips were extracted from the human body, but the only one in the world to have explanted of ear canal is the Albanian citizen. Italy, Germany, France and other Western European countries have failed.
12 November 2012, the journalist Angela Monroe through his TV station "KMIR NEWS 6" has aired a service entitled "Voices in my Mind".
Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And starting a collective campaign against DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS (DEW) TORTURE AND ABUSE.
Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.
What is peacepink? is a membership forum (or social-network) of Worldwide Campaign to stop the abuse and torture of human beings by people who use the following technologies and devices: directed energy weapons; neurological weapons; Mind Control Weapons; body and brain manipulation weapons; psychotronic weapons; space weapons; non-lethal weapons; Cointelpro; and any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic energy, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations some of which have microchip subcutaneous grafted in a fraudulent manner and that in many cases, shall be present radiological evidence of such devices that work with RF freequency.
Who created peacepink? was created by Soleilmavis Liu, who is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, and was first attacked in December, 2001 by mind control technologies when she was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia. At the time she was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, she came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace. Since 2002, she traveled to many places to try to escape from the remote torture and harassment of mind control and voice to skull technologies. she had been to Hong Kong, Thailand, China, New Zealand; she was kidnapped by mind control technologies and sent to USA Embassy in Hong Kong on Apr 2002. On Apr 2003, she went to China and still live there today.
Peacepink encourages all members to become volunteers in their areas for supporting and networking.
Peacepink is fortunate and very appreciative to have Some wonderful contributing managers. Managers of Peacepink don't earn a cent for their work at Peacepink, and neither do our thousands of other volunteer authors and editors.
Why peacepink was born?
The purpose of creating was to support Worldwide Campaign to stop THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; to bring victims together and help each other; to expose such horrible crime to public; to seek supporting from public to stop the secret abuses and tortures of mind control technologies and directed energy weapons. It offers its users the opportunity to connect with people locally and globally, share photos, videos, create events and discussions, post blogs and join groups. The etymology of the name of the community, inspired by the Rose pink family Rosaceae (Rosa chinensis 月季, pinyin, yueji) and that the language of flowers means peace love and care.
It is a community of diversity and is open to receive new members from all cultural backgrounds. All members are free to give their own opinions; all opinions are respected and appreciated. Peacepink welcome donations from individuals, organizations, and corporations.
21 may 2013
Please find attached our over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organised stalking, victims’ case summaries from all over the world.
Please read these case summaries to get a real understanding of how horrific, cruel and bizarre these tortures and experimentations are – many of them continuing 24/7 year-in-year-out.
This letter is to ask for your help for the many victims who are being attacked with Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons.
Full text, more details and more information in the blog of John Finch
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